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Welcome to the Schools Climate Assembly

Gather. Empower. Campaign.

The Schools Climate Assembly is a space for young people from across the UK to engage with the climate crisis. With a lack of cohesive climate education in the national curriculum, SCA provides young people with  opportunities to hear from speakers at the heart of the climate movement and learn  the tools they need to enact positive change in their schools and communities. 

SCA is a positive space, a  launchpad for youth-led community action, be that in schools, local areas or on a national level. Schools can share ideas, tools and suggestions for environmental action and maintain these networks for more impactful, larger scale campaigns.

"Young people have such an important role to play in dealing with the climate emergency. The Schools Climate Assembly is a very important event, a space where school pupils can learn how they can enact change in a positive way."

John Sauven, former Executive Director, Greenpeace UK


We host annual assemblies across the UK to bring young people together with climate activists, campaigning organisations and pioneering businesses to share ways of tackling the climate crisis. We gather in schools to demonstrate how places of education can transform into centres for change.


Young people are at the heart of the Schools Climate Assembly. We strongly believe that putting power in the hands of young people will provide the best future for the planet. We aim to be a vehicle for the education, support and training that young people want and need to fight the climate crisis.


Our assemblies lead to action. We campaign year-long on a range of climate issues and support young people to enact change. We advocate for youth engagement in politics, a more radical approach to climate change in schools and young people using school channels to enact change in their communities and beyond.


"The time to act is now. It is essential that young people have the tools and information they need, delivered in a way that will best connect with them. Sadly it will be up to them to deal with the mess that has been left behind by previous generations."

Gregory Nasmyth, Founder


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